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Sharing multiple Links - for social networking

| Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Sharing your blog post using twitter,facebook and other social networking sites are very much important of a blogger for blog promotion... and some of you will be sending some interesting links to your friends and followers of your blog/twitter. sharing links is top priority of net users who love to share good content. here i share a applications that makes sharing one step further..

ShareTab is a new application that helps you to share multiple sites in a single link. with this you can share sites in a tab format.. when ever you click the link it will open in tabs that are made by the application.
The above link is example for the sharetabs which opens some popular search engines in one single click..

Krunchd is another multiple link sharing site still in beta stage. This gives another feature of multiple sharing that you can add title, tags, description and you can send a copy of it to your email id. 

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